about me
My name is Hazel Woodcock and I work for Costain in UK. The opinions expressed on this site are my own. Before you ask, I did intend the apostrophe in the title, it replaces the ‘we’ of weblog. I do try to maintain some standards.
This ‘blog will look at DOORS Next Generation, DOORS and requirements management in general as well as other IBM Rational tools that interface to the requirements tools. I may also wander in to wider systems engineering topics and occasional community building or online learning topics.
I first encountered DOORS in 1999 as a user and after being a customer for several years, I joined Telelogic as a consultant. IBM bought Telelogic and I worked there until December 2019.
I now work for Costain, in the System Based Approach Capability team
My LinkedIn profile is here
My Twitter account is @aitch_
For comments on individual posts please use the comment facility, for anything more general you can contact me using the form below:
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